"What solutions for a sustainable and effective Universal Health Coverage? and effective Universal Health Coverage?

June 4, 2024

What are the solutions for a sustainable and effective universal health coverage system?

Poster for the Rendez-vous de l'Expertise on social protection

LSocial protection, an essential pillar in the construction of a balanced society, transcends national borders and brings together a variety of entities, from public institutions to businesses and civil society.

It's not just a safety net against the vagaries of life, such as unemployment, illness or disability. Social protection is also a powerful tool for redistributing national wealth, helping to reduce poverty and strengthen social cohesion. What's more, it proves to be a crucial bulwark against economic, health or climatic crises, ensuring the resilience of economies and populations alike.

Achieving these objectives will require the involvement of all the region's economic players and the establishment of effective governance. In addition, it is imperative to establish a constant dialogue between the various stakeholders, on the social, financial and health levels, in order to guarantee the population's support for this essential social contract.

Our on-stage experts explored the issues of universal health coverage and sustainable financing of social protection through two round-table discussions:

Watch the replay of the show and its stimulating discussions and constructive exchanges on the future of social protection and universal health coverage.

TEASER #RDVExpertise



Portrait of Jérémie Pellet, Managing Director of Expertise France

Jérémie Pellet

CEO, Expertise France


Karim El Aynaoui

Executive Chairman, Policy Center for the New South

Round table 1
The march towards universal health coverage: what's at stake?


Abdelkhalek Touhami

Professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Rabat Salé

Round table 2
Sustainable financing of healthcare coverage in the face of economic diversity and gradual expansion: what are the levers?

Dr lham Moulhal

Director of Medical Affairs, Caisse Nationale de la Sécurité Sociale - Morocco

Riadh Ben Abbas

Dr Riadh Ben Abbes

Former Deputy Director General of the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie - Tunisia

Azzedine Lakbakbi El Yaagoubi

Head of the Social Protection Division, Budget Directorate, Ministry of the Economy and Finance - Morocco

Amine Baha

Amine Baha

Director, Batha Multifunctional Center for Women's Empowerment


Gallagher Fenwick

Gallagher Fenwick

Great reporter