The Rendez-vous de l'Expertise community of experts
Marianne Peron-Doise
IRSEM researcher and strategic advisor to the CRIMARIO project.
Florence Lozach
Journalist, senior reporter at TV5 Monde.
Louis Pizarro
Managing Director of the NGO Solthis.
Dr François Dabis
François Dabis is a medical doctor.
Hélène Lavoisier
State administrator, in charge of the "Relationship of trust" mission, Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFIP) in France
Denis Cogneau
Professor and Director of Research at the Paris School of Economics
Pascal Canfin
French journalist and politician
Xing Qu
Deputy Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Bradeddine Ouali
Chairman of the Fondation Tunisie pour le Développement.
Philippe Lacoste
Director of Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Bertrand Badie
Professor Emeritus at Sciences Po Paris
Laurence Tubiana
Director of the European Climate Foundation.
Aurélie Gal-Regniez
Executive Director, NGO EQUIPOP.
Abdoulkoudous Saâdaoui
Secretary of State to the Minister of Youth and Sport, in charge of Youth in Tunisia.
Christophe Guilhou
Director of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Jacques Paquier
Editor-in-chief of Grand Paris newspaper.
Olivier Lechien
Head of Expertise France's Gender, Rights and State Modernization Department.
Marc Fiedrich
Head of Unit, Instrument contributing to stability and peace, Foreign Policy Instruments Department (FPI), European Commission.
Hassan Boubrik
Director General of the Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale du Maroc.
Jérémie Pellet
Managing Director of Expertise France.
Harold Coffi
General Manager of Société Générale in Burkina Faso
Sophie Boumsong
he Head of the Budget Reform Division of the General Budget Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Cameroon.
Elyes Jeribi
President of Collège des Startups.
Chanaz El Akrichi
Head of the Cooperation Division in the Communication Department of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports...
Matthieu Brun
Scientific Director, FARM Foundation
Clea Chakraverty
Journalist specializing in gender and inequality issues, head of the Politics and Society section at The...
Delphine Agoguet
Environmental lawyer and representative of the NGO "Notre affaire à tous".
François Grünewald
General and Scientific Director of Groupe Urgence, Réhabilitation Développement (URD).
Pr Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008.
Hervé Conan
Director of the AFD agency in Vietnam.
Niagalé Bagayoko
President, Chair of the African Security Sector Network
Marieke Vandeweyer
OECD Labour Market Economist.
Raphaëlle Gasc
BFTPI project expert and SETE project manager.
Éric Bruder
Director of Emeraude Global Security.
Frédérique Leprince
Director of European and International Relations and Cooperation at the Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales.
Florence Delcher
NENGO Project Manager, Pierre Fabre Foundation.
Dr Rahahleh Hazim
Director General of Social Security in Jordan.
Veronica Noseda
Operational research project manager at Expertise France.
Jhannel Tomlinson
Co-founder of GirlsCare Jamaica
Fadhel Abdelkefi
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tunisie Valeurs, former Minister of Development, Investment and International Cooperation, former Minister...
Julien Serre
Deputy Director of the Peace, Stability and Security Department.
Samuel Soriano
Managing Director, Saint-Nazaire Regional Planning Agency.
Chakroun Borhene
Chief, Section for Youth, Literacy and Skills Development, UNESCO Education Sector
Abye Tassé
Head of Mission, TELEMA project implemented by Expertise France for the French Ministry of Social Affairs and...
Frédéric Auvray
Newspaper reporter for Le Marin
Guillaume Tixier
Journalist specializing in the environment and sustainable development.
Pernette Bourdillon Estève
Team Leader, Incidents and substandard / falsified medical products, World Health Organization (WHO).
Delphine O
Ambassador, General Secretary of the Forum Génération Égalité.
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