The Rendez-vous de l'Expertise community of experts
Joachim Ntetmen
Director of programs for Alternatives Cameroun.
Azaratou Sondo Nignan
Managing Director, Faîtière des Caisses populaires du Burkina Faso.
Stefan Leiner
Head of the Biodiversity Unit of the European Commission's Environment Directorate-General.
Jérémie Pellet
Managing Director of Expertise France.
Dr Marie-Josée Mbuzenakamwe
Expert in the "Presidential Initiative for Health in Africa" pilot project in Niger for Expertise France.
Marwa Moula
Co-founder and CEO of ILEY'COM
Hervé Temporel
Regional Director, European Union support project for the G5 Sahel joint force, Expertise France.
Florence Delcher
NENGO Project Manager, Pierre Fabre Foundation.
Hervé Conan
Director of the AFD agency in Vietnam.
Aurélie Gal-Regniez
Executive Director, NGO EQUIPOP.
Anastasia Mikova
Co-director of the film Woman.
Dah Zewanon Guezo
Delegate of the Chambre des Métiers du département du Zou and President of the Abomey Craftsmen's Collective
Sultan Touré
Director of Public Investment Programming, Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, Côte d'Ivoire
Dr Liboire Ngirigi
Coordinator of the Burundi Management and Development Support Unit (UGADS).
Marieke Vandeweyer
OECD Labour Market Economist.
Fanny Quertamp
International expert
Louis Pizarro
Managing Director of the NGO Solthis.
Isabelle Guérin
Director of Research at the Institut de recherche pour le développement.
Samuel Soriano
Managing Director, Saint-Nazaire Regional Planning Agency.
Fadhel Abdelkefi
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tunisie Valeurs, former Minister of Development, Investment and International Cooperation, former Minister...
Stéphanie Tchiombiano
Coordinator of L'Initiative from 2012 to 2015, coordinator of the Think Tank Santé Mondiale.
Elyes Jeribi
President of Collège des Startups.
Aly Diallo
1st Vice-President of the Regional Council of Eastern Burkina Faso
Abdoulaye Cissé
ONG Graines, Senegal.
Stéphane Soumahoro
Journalist and President of the Association of Economic Journalists of Côte d'Ivoire
Robin Duponnois
Research Director, IRD
Philippe Lacoste
Director of Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Ysabeau Rycx
Expert in disaster preparedness and management and director of the TerHum association.
Charles Dalla
Director General of Territorial Development and SUP Coordinator
Jhannel Tomlinson
Co-founder of GirlsCare Jamaica
Patrick Portes-Gagnol
International technical expert on food resilience in the Sahel
Amélie Banzet
Head of Open Government Policies and International Affairs, Prime Minister's Office - Mission Etalab
Mayor General Jesus Alejandro Barrera
Director of the "Carabineros" unit of Colombian rural security
Sophie Boumsong
he Head of the Budget Reform Division of the General Budget Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Cameroon.
Chakroun Borhene
Chief, Section for Youth, Literacy and Skills Development, UNESCO Education Sector
Chanaz El Akrichi
Head of the Cooperation Division in the Communication Department of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports...
Alexandre De La Volpilière
Deputy Director General of the Agence régionale de Santé de Guyane and member of the Association des pharmaciens inspecteurs de santé publique...
Hélène Lavoisier
State administrator, in charge of the "Relationship of trust" mission, Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (DGFIP) in France
Teddy Kossoko
CEO of Gara
Murielle Gurtner
Coordinator of the BFTPI project implemented by Expertise France.
Séverine Peters-Desteract
Head of Regional Integration and Business Facilitation in the Economic and Financial Governance department of Expertise France.
Jennifer Gallé
Environment journalist, The Conversation
Dr Dembele Moussa
Managing Director, Ecole africaine des métiers de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme (EAMAU)
Bradeddine Ouali
Chairman of the Fondation Tunisie pour le Développement.
Jean-François Chougnet
President of the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilization (MuCEM)
Radhia Oudjani
Director of the Governance, Justice and Human Rights Department at Expertise France.
Christophe Guilhou
Director of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Me Emmanuel Daoud
Environmental lawyer and representative of the NGO "Notre affaire à tous".
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