The Rendez-vous de l'Expertise community of experts
Christophe Chevallier
BFTPI project expert and head of AREP's urban division
Laurent Marion
Head of Stabilization and Resilience at Expertise France.
Hassan Boubrik
Director General of the Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale du Maroc.
Stéphanie Tchiombiano
Coordinator of L'Initiative from 2012 to 2015, coordinator of the Think Tank Santé Mondiale.
Radhia Oudjani
Director of the Governance, Justice and Human Rights Department at Expertise France.
Anna Adamska - Gallant
Expert, PRAVO JUSTICE Project
Muriel Santoro
Compass Project Manager, Education, Vocational Training and Employment, Human Capital and Social Development Department, Expertise France.
Stéphanie Seydoux
Ambassador for Global Health.
Chanaz El Akrichi
Head of the Cooperation Division in the Communication Department of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports...
Zeineb Messaoud
Director of The Dot
Dah Zewanon Guezo
Delegate of the Chambre des Métiers du département du Zou and President of the Abomey Craftsmen's Collective
Ahmad Awad
Director of the Phenix Center.
Raphaëlle Gasc
BFTPI project expert and SETE project manager.
Jérôme Heitz
Director of the Peace, Stability and Security Department at Expertise France.
Isabelle Guérin
Director of Research at the Institut de recherche pour le développement.
Yann Wehrling
French Ambassador for the Environment.
Edward Turvill
Responsible for the Resilience component of the RESEMBID program.
Nicolas Guillou
International judge at the Specialized Chambers for Kosovo (CSK) since 2019
Sophie Boumsong
he Head of the Budget Reform Division of the General Budget Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Cameroon.
Bruno Casalan
Director of International Development, Initiative France
Denis Cogneau
Professor and Director of Research at the Paris School of Economics
Pascal Canfin
French journalist and politician
Dr Lisa Huang
Director of Expertise France's Success program.
Rayene Thouir
Founder and CEO of Bossy Match
Jennifer Gallé
Environment journalist, The Conversation
Anastasia Mikova
Co-director of the film Woman.
Stefan Leiner
Head of the Biodiversity Unit of the European Commission's Environment Directorate-General.
Thialy Faye
Tax lawyer and economic justice programme officer, Oxfam
Antoine Peigney
Director of Expertise France's Health Department.
Jean-François Guillaume
Head of the Humanitarian and Stabilization Operations Center, Crisis and Support Center, Ministry of Europe and...
Karim Ouattara
Managing Director, Bureau Ivoirien du Droit d'Auteur (BURIDA)
Olivier Lechien
Head of Expertise France's Gender, Rights and State Modernization Department.
Oral Williams
Director of AFRITAC West, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Pr Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008.
Mayor General Jesus Alejandro Barrera
Director of the "Carabineros" unit of Colombian rural security
Julien Serre
Deputy Director of the Peace, Stability and Security Department.
Elisabeth Moreno
Former Minister for Equality between Women and Men
Agarwal Abhinav
Frugal innovation consultant and entrepreneur
Éric Bruder
Director of Emeraude Global Security.
Oulimata Sarr
UN Women Regional Director for West and Central Africa.
Bradeddine Ouali
Chairman of the Fondation Tunisie pour le Développement.
Hervé Temporel
Regional Director, European Union support project for the G5 Sahel joint force, Expertise France.
Anne Beinier
PhD - Resident Twinning Advisor, expert in social protection for the European Commission.
Bertrand Badie
Professor Emeritus at Sciences Po Paris
Clea Chakraverty
Journalist specializing in gender and inequality issues, head of the Politics and Society section at The...
Gilles Kleitz
Department Director, Agence française pour le développement.
Jean-François Chougnet
President of the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilization (MuCEM)
Ahcène Gheroufella
Project Manager, Business Facilitation and Regional Economic Integration, Expertise France.
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