Anne Beinier

Anne is a technical, political and diplomatic advisor with 13 years' experience in the health and solidarity sector. She began her career as an ATER at university, then as a lecturer. For 7 years, she worked in parliament as an advisor to the Social Affairs Committee's PLFSS rapporteurs. In 2017, she joined the cabinet of the French Minister of Solidarity and Health, while also carrying out international assignments for the Expertise France agency and the European Union. Since 2020, she has held several positions within these two entities on the 3 programs: Twinning, Socieux+ and TAIEX (Continental Europe, Africa, Middle East, Caucasus). She has also been a columnist on the BFM Business program BFM Life and Check-Up Santé since 2018. Since 2010, her various assignments in the healthcare and solidarity sectors have enabled her to develop a cross-disciplinary, integrated approach to social protection and healthcare systems.