Health, safety and legal issues: how to guarantee quality medicines in Africa?

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A look back at the Rendez-vous de l'Expertise on September 24, 2020

Health, safety and legal issues: how to guarantee quality medicines in Africa?

Covid-19 revealed the shortcomings of healthcare systems in terms of patient care, availability of medical equipment and drug manufacturing. The issues of availability, quality and access to quality medicines in Africa were acute during the crisis, but remain chronic. Fragmented supply chains, inadequate regulation, under-equipped control laboratories and lack of funding are all difficulties that lead to shortages, stock-outs and the development of lucrative illicit markets with the circulation of falsified and poor-quality medicines. These weaknesses pose a threat not only to public health, but also to the economy and security.

To meet these challenges, it is essential for African countries to develop a response in terms of health, by structuring secure, high-performance supply systems, but also in terms of legal and security, by strengthening the legislative and regulatory arsenal for more rigorous market control, and by engaging in an effective fight against pharmaceutical crime. Regional responses must also be coordinated to promote harmonization of different national legislations and ensure a global response to a cross-border, multi-sector challenge.

With this in mind, how can we support African countries in implementing a global approach that takes into account the health, legal and safety aspects of drug production, distribution and consumption?