Prof. Annabel Desgrée du Loû

Pr Annabel Desgrées du Loû is Director of Research in Demography at the Institut de recherche pour le développement, and a member of the Centre Population et Développement in Paris, where she heads an IRD-INSERM-Université Paris Descartes team on "Health, Gender and Vulnerability in the South". She is also deputy director of the Institut Convergence Migrations. She has carried out research on demographic and social issues in several health fields: vaccinations, family planning, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS prevention in vulnerable populations, and the place of illness in migratory journeys. Drawing on her dual training in biology and the social sciences, she favors a multidisciplinary approach to health issues in developing countries, working closely with both biomedical teams and the various social sciences.