Innovating to reconcile economy and ecology: what avenues for development cooperation projects?

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A look back at the Rendez-vous de l'Expertise on October 18, 2018

Innovating to reconcile economy and ecology: what avenues for development cooperation projects?

The design and implementation of development cooperation projects must help transform the traditional economy into a sustainable one. This means imagining various forms of innovation to ensure economic and social development in harmony with the environment, thus maximizing the results of official development assistance.

The book "#Sobériser: Innover pour un monde durable" (#Soberiser: Innovating for a sustainable world) lists initiatives that place sobriety at the heart of their innovation, in order to link economic and ecological logics; from the digital revolution to the circular economy, via healthcare or territorial development, sobriety can be applied to the whole of society. What's more, for this type of sustainable innovation to develop in cooperative projects, all players must be committed to this paradigm, from the donor to the partners and the local population.

So, to develop these initiatives, what is the role and contribution of cooperation players, and in particular donors? How can local constraints be transformed into opportunities for sustainable innovation in project design? What practical examples can #soberize in the design and implementation of cooperation projects?