Private sector development and entrepreneurship: a factor for stability in conflict zones?

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A look back at the Rendez-vous de l'Expertise on November 26, 2019

Private sector development and entrepreneurship: a factor for stability in conflict zones?

Armed conflict, population displacement... Nearly a fifth of the world's population lives in contexts of fragility, conflict and violence. Support for private sector development and access to employment are important factors in fostering a country's resilience and stability. Beyond emergency management, income generation and innovation contribute to the establishment of a virtuous, inclusive and egalitarian dynamic.

In such contexts, structuring a positive ecosystem for the development of the private sector requires the coordinated involvement of all players: NGOs, local authorities, international operators, small and medium-sized enterprises and financing and investment players. At the same time, training in entrepreneurship is an important factor in the development of a dynamic, job-creating private sector.

It is within this security-development contiguum that Expertise France, through two projects - in Libya and Burkina Faso - is tackling some of the causes of instability and population displacement by supporting entrepreneurship and structuring professional sectors in conjunction with public authorities to meet the country's needs. Given these challenges, to what extent does support for economic development and job creation help stabilize countries?